DJ Live Act


DJ Live Act
Sa, 28.06.2003, 19:30 Uhr

Essl Museum

BELGRADEYARD SOUND SYSTEM wurde von zwei jungen serbischen DJ's ursprünglich als Radiosendung ins Leben gerufen, die bis heute als Livemusik-Programm über den legendären Belgrader Widerstands-Sender B92 ausgestrahlt wird.
Relja Bobic: turntables, sound processing
Goran Simonoski: turntables, sound processing

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Festival musik aktuell.

BELGRADEYARD SOUND SYSTEM wurde von zwei jungen serbischen DJ's ursprünglich als Radiosendung ins Leben gerufen, die bis heute als Livemusik-Programm über den legendären Belgrader Widerstands-Sender B92 ausgestrahlt wird. Jenseits des kommerziellen Mainstreams kreieren die beiden eine einzigartige Verschmelzung unterschiedlichster Ausgangsmaterialien, die dennoch zum Tanzen animieren soll. Ihr Auftritt in der Sammlung Essl findet während unseres Sommerfestes statt, das - so es das Wetter erlaubt - im Garten des Kunsthauses als Open Air Event stattfinden soll.

Two youngsters from Belgrade, Yugoslavia started BELGRADEYARD SOUND SYSTEM more than 2 years ago: Goran Simonoski (* 1973) and Relja Bobic (* 1979) set up a live music radio show on the airwaves of now famous Radio B 92. This show still is the basis of all their activities, which spread as time went by. The show itself is now being broadcasted in 3 more cities in Yugoslavia, and also in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. The first big addition to the roaster was the educational web site (, with versions in both Serbian and English, which serves not only as radio show presentation, but also as a kind of information resource for all people interested in contemporary music. Genres don’t exist there, and the only thread connecting all the music mentioned and reviewed is quality and originality, be it underground hip hop, African music, dub, free jazz, glitchy electronica, improvised, rock’n’roll or contemporary. In one word - music...

A monthly residency called “Soundscapes” at the Rex cultural center is presenting the latest developments in the electronic music field, also with a video content prepared by friends and associates from all around the world (Germany, Britain, Japan, Bosnia, Yugoslavia etc.).

Event organizing is the third main activity, and BGYSS do their best to bring the hottest acts to Belgrade and present them to the local audience. So, the BGYSS DJ team supported many of the international freaks, among them Jazzanova (Compost), DJ Shuriken (Compost), Rechenzentrum (Kitty Yo), DJ Vadim & Russian Percussion (Ninja Tune/Jazz Fudge), Matt Black (Coldcut) and Pirate TV crew, Four Tet (Domino), Tony Morley (Leaf Label), Manitoba (Leaf Label), Sofa Surfers (Klein), Dub Club crew (Flex club, Vienna), Sutekh (Context/Plug Research). BGYSS also took part in the big 12-day Transmediale festival in Berlin in the year 2002.

BGYSS DJs play a unique blend of high-quality music that you can rarely hear from others. The combination of tracks comes from the broad interests these two individuals have, and the combination, the final product, always and makes you dance in a silly way, and is never the same.

BGYSS is also now signed to the phantastic Cosmic.Sounds label from London for a whole album to be released early 2003.
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